Unlock the power of your brain’s potential!

All for 450 EUR / £400
EU: CV 200 | QV 500 | FT €20
UK: CV 200 | QV 475 | FT £17.50
This unique pack is designed for your mental performances, with cognitive exercises complemented by fantastic flavours, all by mixing tech with gourmet nutrition. It includes:

1 box of Black Coffee

2 boxes of King Of Coffee

2 boxes of Green Tea

1 bottle of Spore Powder

1 Annual subscriptionto Cognition’s CTS90 (includes 3D glasses)
PLUS!With every Cognition Pack you get, you receive: Gold Status, qualify as Star Achiever, your subscription to Cognition includes a $35 rebate!
Don’t miss this chance and explore all the things your mind can do with COGNITION BY ORGANO™.
This promo is available for both, new and existing Distribution Partners.CV goes to Dual Team for new and existing Distribution Partners. Available in EU (Excluded Germany) & UK ONLY.